Top 5 Discreet Ways for Parents to Take CBD

A substance doesn’t have to be illegal to be frowned upon, and few groups suffer more public scrutiny than parents. Be it from other parents, co-workers, or other members of the family, parents often find themselves being watched by people who are just looking for an excuse to judge, question, and criticize any behavior.

Which is a shame, because most parents are loving people just trying to do their best, and they could use a break from all the pressure. In fact, CBD is a great tool to release some of that stress and pressure, helping parents calm down and be more present in the moment. If you want to enjoy taking your CBD without feeling like you’re being judged, here are some of the most discreet ways parents can take CBD.

1 – Edibles in general

The CBD edible market is filled with interesting and discreet options. These include CBD gummies, chocolate, brownies, cookies, beans, pasta, jam, and whatever else you can think of. Many of those edibles are both discreet and easy to carry around.

Yes, attentive onlookers might suspect there’s something added to a gummy bear, but no one will ever suspect there’s CBD in your jam sandwich.

On top of being discrete, edibles are also easy to make. This means that instead of dealing with the hassle of buying edibles and waiting for them to arrive, you can just buy CBD oil from a site like, and then use that oil in any recipe you want.

2 – Different drinks

There are as many CBD drinks as there are edibles, and many of them are even more discreet and convenient than the edible alternatives. CBD coffee, tea, beer, sodas, and sparkly water are all viable solutions to help you take CBD without raising any eyebrows.

3 – Pills and capsules

You can pass CBD for medication by buying CBD pills and placing them in a different bottle. Claiming it is a vitamin also works. In its pure form, CBD looks like a white powder, so CBD pills don’t look weird when examined by the naked eye. The only way people will know what it is if they try some themselves.

CBD gel-capsules are also available, and a lot of them look very similar to Omega-3 supplements. In case you need a good cover story.

Photo by Sohini on Unsplash

4 – Vaping

Now, vaping itself isn’t discreet. Even though some vape pens are designed to produce very little smoke, you’d still need to slinker away to inhale it, and at that point, you might as well use CBD oil.

That said, if you already have a vaping habit and people are ok with it, there is nothing stopping you from vaping CBD. E-liquids containing CBD don’t look or smell any different, and the smoke produced isn’t different from the usual — so you can switch to vaping CBD without anyone knowing what happened.

5 – Patches

CBD patches look a lot like nicotine patches, and they work in a similar fashion. Throughout the day, more and more of the CBD contained in the patch will make its way into your bloodstream, allowing you to enjoy the calming benefits of the substance without drawing anyone’s attention.

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