As a parent, you are continually juggling what feels like a million and one responsibilities simultaneously. We feel you there! We are very much the same. Ensuring that your children are sticking to their routines and are eating healthily and regularly while also providing the same for yourself. It can be challenging at times, but we are confident that you are doing the most wonderful job, fellow mammas and papas!
That being said, your role as a parent takes on new heights at specific times in life. Mainly when you decide to move to a new house, either in the same town or city as to where you currently reside or further afield, the checklist of things to do is extensive, and you generally feel a bit in over your head.
One thing that must be remembered here is that you are not alone! There will be hundreds of more families across the country in the same position as you, and you certainly won’t be the first ones nor the last to be doing something like this.
We are here to provide some solace during this time, busy parents, for you are in the right place! Detailed below are some essential things to remember to check when moving into your new property. Whether you have bought a property or are renting, this is an exciting time of your lives and should be celebrated. Read on to get that step closer to the celebratory bottle of bubbly!
Before Unloading the Car or Moving Van
If you are anything like us, you will be itching to unload the vehicle as soon as you arrive at your new home. Putting the assigned boxes into the appropriate rooms; it is all rather thrilling to those who enjoy organising and sorting things. Just call us the new Mrs Hinch!
However, before jumping at the prospect of starting to settle into your new place of residence, it is crucial that you do some checks before unloading, in the off chance that you find any issues with the property. Particularly if you are renting the property, this allows you to take some photos of the property in its current state. This protects you and your deposit upon your departure.
Some things that you will want to be on the look for include any furniture that should be in the property – if previously agreed upon with the landlord or the person who has sold you the property – whether the fixtures of the property are in full working order, and if there is anything that might need repairing.

Prioritising Repairs
As and when you have conducted your checks, you may well have found a few things that will require some form of attention moving forward. Whether they are repairs big or small, making a note of them and reporting back to the appropriate bodies will ensure that they are addressed sooner rather than later.
Common repairs that can be found in homes when first moving in can include broken or damaged outlets and light fixtures, as well as plumbing issues such as a blocked or damaged drain that could be leaking. While these can appear as small issues, they could lead to more severe problems in the home if they are not addressed.
While there will be some repairs in your home that you can solve yourself, there may be issues – including those listed above – which are more severe and need a professional’s attention. You have enough on your plate as it is, busy parent; let someone else help you with these repairs!
Companies like Drain Detectives provide busy homeowners like yourself in London and other areas of the country, with the services you need to tackle any drainage repairs or issues that you might be experiencing and are available 24/7; there is no need to wait hours to get the problem fixed. To find out more about the services they provide and how they could be used in your home, click here.
Make Sure Utilities Are Set-Up
One of the all-important aspects of moving into a new property is making sure that you have access to electric, water, and other utilities! Once you have had any repairs booked in to be fixed or have had them repaired, you can rest assured that you will not be faced with any issues moving forward when using your available utilities.
Contacting the existing energy provider or searching for one who provides a better deal would be the best place to start. Haggling and compromising with the energy providers are excellent ways of finding the best deal for your property. Not to mention, you will be saving yourself some pennies and pounds in the long-term as well!
While this is generally done before moving in entirely, nothing stops you from doing this a bit later in the process. That being said, the sooner that you have the utilities for your property set up, the better!

Clean, Clean, Clean
With most properties you are moving into, whether renting or buying, you expect them to have been thoroughly cleaned beforehand. In an ideal world, everyone would have the same idea in their minds about what constitutes something being clean. But alas. This is not always the case.
Going through your new home and giving everything the once over will ensure that it has been cleaned to the standard you would like it to be. With a significant emphasis on keeping ourselves and the environment around us clean and tidy as of late, this should be a priority on the list of things to do when moving to a new home.
Once you have given your new home the once over, you will be free to decorate and unpack your boxes to your heart’s content, which leads us to our final point.
Unpacking and Unloading Your Belongings
The most exciting part of moving to a new home, and of which, makes it official! Particularly if you have young children, this could be one of the trickier parts; all they want to do is help you with unpacking, but you want to ensure that nothing gets damaged in the process!
If you can, allowing your children to be part of the process will keep them occupied and out of your hair and allow you to speed up the unpacking process. Whether you get them to deal with softer items like cushions and bedding while you manage the more delicate, treasured items. The choice is entirely yours.
We can understand that when moving, you want to get through the process as quickly as possible. While that is the case, you must remember to take regular breaks and take care of yourself during this time.
It is undoubtedly an exciting time in your lives, but that is not to say that there will not be elements of stress throughout it. By eating and drinking regularly and taking frequent breaks to get some fresh air and to rest your weary legs, you can rest assured that you won’t burn out at all during the process.
Once you have unpacked and sorted through your belongings and folded up your last box, it is time to pop that bottle of choice! You have done it; you are in your new family home!
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