Covid-19 doesn’t appear to be disappearing anytime soon, but the government are pushing ahead with their exit plan for 19th July.
After 18 months of living with lockdown and restrictions, the thought of going back to normal is obviously exciting for some, but unnerving for others.
It is important to understand that Covid-19 is no longer the deadly virus it was, thanks to the roll out of the vaccination program which is reducing both the individual risk and the wider one to our health system.
We are going to have to live with it now and manage the virus, much like we do with flu, but there are things that education providers and businesses can do, that will ensure the safety of their staff, customers, students and the wider community.
Investing in Vaccination pods, which have been designed and manufactured to provide safe and socially distanced areas for testing and the administering of vaccines, is one such idea. The surfaces are easily cleaned and maintained providing a pathogen safe environment.
The plan is for self-isolation to be scrapped for double-jabbed from 16th August, however, if they have been in contact with a positive case of Covid-19, they will still need to do a lateral flow test on a daily basis to ensure they are virus free. Using one of these pods, will help to keep people in the office or their classrooms.

It is also likely that everyone will require a booster vaccination later in the year, and employers should support staff in getting the Covid-19 vaccine once it’s offered to them, so using these pods with a mobile vaccination clinic will ensure that everyone has easy access to the jab.
Have you had your Covid vaccine yet?