Knowing the difference between escorts and prostitution can save you a trip to jail. While both require an exchange of money, the type of time spent together matters. Instead of worrying about key circumstances, make an effort to understand the definition of each role.
There is still a strong social stigma attached to prostitution. Top sex crime attorneys work hard to fight against this attitude when working for a client. Even top destinations like Las Vegas have been unsuccessful in clearing up how the world thinks about prostitution.
The movie Pretty Woman is a good example of the difference between an escort and a prostitute. In the movie, a prostitute is hired to be an escort to social events – this was made in 1990. Since then, prostitutes are still considered sex workers while escorts are considered in a completely different category. The regression and progression of each role has been a fascinating glimpse into the way society treats specific industries.
By Law
There are only a few places in the world where prostitution is legal. In the United States, Nevada allows it but with heavy restrictions. Brothels are where you will find legal prostitutes in Nevada, while the illegal sex workers operate outside of those strict boundaries. The point here is that location is the only difference between these workers.
And even though brothels are regulated, you won’t find escorts for service. The difference is that prostitutes in brothels are selling sex as a service. Selling sex is not on an escort’s agenda, at least not directly. The same prostitute that works in a brothel can also work as a legal escort after hours. It is a bit dizzying to think about, but the restrictions to the industry are meant to be complicated.
Time VS. Actions
Time versus actions is the best way to describe the difference between a prostitute and an escort. An escort will sell you their time for money. This can be companionship, dating, cuddling or even a friend for the night. Every escort has their own personal dos and don’ts when it comes to taking on a client. No matter what is on the menu, it all comes down to selling their time.
A prostitute sells their body, and sex is always the first and last option. Technically, you can go to a prostitute for nonsexual companionship. You can also pay a prostitute to go on a date for the night. The problem with this scenario is that it would be like employing an electrician to fix your clogged pipes.
Roles exist, and escorts are considered the defacto employees for companionship. They have an official license, and are less likely to be harassed by the law. There are still limits to escorting, yet they are nowhere near as strict as prostitution.
It’s Crystal Clear
You’re always in control, so courts won’t tolerate ignorance of the law. When deciding between an escort or a prostitute, make sure to get the definition correct. Your money, time and social standing will depend on that decision.