Mothers will often embrace yoga as a form of exercise after having given birth. Studies have shown that these movements can help to strengthen the abdominal muscles, to rebuild the pelvic floor and to reduce levels of perceived stress. However, did you know that practicing yoga with an infant may even be able to strengthen the emotional bonds between a mother and her child? Let us examine how to begin such a relationship by taking a look at eight useful steps.
When to Begin
Although some practitioners may recommend beginning such classes as early as six weeks after giving birth, it is generally better to wait until the baby can support its head without assistance. This generally occurs during the first three months of infancy.
Safety Tips
It is always important to take safety into account (for the mother as well as the child). For example, speak with a doctor in order to determine if the baby is physically capable of participating. In the event that abdominal strains occurred while giving birth (such as diastasis recti), it is also wise to employ bolsters such as those found at
The Length of the Class
While this can vary, the majority of sessions will last between 30 and 60 minutes. Base this off of your physical capabilities as well as the mood of the infant. if he or she begins to incessantly cry, it may be best to shorten the length of the class.
Practice Basic Movements
Of course, babies will not be able to perform more complicated poses. It is better to encourage simpler positions such as hip stretches, back bends and twists. You will be amazed at how quickly he or she progresses!
Add a Bit of Fun Into the Equation
Infants need to be entertained and they will respond positively to unique stimuli. So, make plenty of sounds, laugh and use your tone of voice to provide an additional level of encouragement.
Include Music
Even at a very early age, babies will respond to soothing music. From classical and soft jazz to sounds such as waterfall or raindrops, these audio elements can add an even more immersive sensation to any mother-and-me yoga class.
Create a Welcoming Environment
Children are naturally curious and this sense of wonderment should be indulged. Place plenty of toys nearby and do not be surprised if your little one wanders off during the middle of a session. This is simply their way of saying that they are comfortable with the environment.
End Each Class on a Positive Note
A final tip is to conclude each class with feelings of gratitude and self-awareness. This will enable you to tackle whatever the day might have in store while remaining confident that your child has benefitted from the overall experience.
Establishing a mother-baby yoga relationship is an excellent way to bond with your little one, so be sure to incorporate these techniques into your sessions.