Time-lapse photography is used in various ways, such as to show the progress of a construction site over weeks or months or to show the lighting and weather changes over time.
Cinematographers also use this technique to give their films more visual appeal. Did you know that in the movie “Chinatown,” the shot of the streets filled with water and worn-down buildings was achieved with Time Lapse photography?
Have you ever wondered how to do this? Keep reading for all you need to know. It may surprise you how helpful and entertaining this technique can be!
What Is Time Lapse Photography?
Time-lapse is a photographic technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.
During regular speed playing, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapping. For example, an image of a flower opening that took ten minutes to capture can be shown in ten seconds without losing any significant detail.
The best equipment for Time Lapse videos is a digital camera that allows you to change the frame rate, a tripod, and an intervalometer. But, you can also use your phone or even your GoPro time lapse feature to create stunning videos with this technique.

Whether you want to show the world a new perspective of an old city or just document the construction of a building, you can use this technique for a creative and professional shoot.
Find a Compelling Subject
One of the most important aspects of creating a great time-lapse video is finding a compelling subject. This can be anything from a beautiful landscape to the hustle and bustle of a busy city street. Time-lapse is particularly well suited for capturing things that change over time, like the growth of a plant or the movements of the stars.
Once you have found your subject, you need to make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to capture. Do you want to focus on the movement of the clouds or the people walking by? Once you have a clear vision, you can start setting up your camera and shooting!
Choose the Right Interval
When shooting a time-lapse, it is important to consider the interval at which you will be taking your photos. The interval is the amount of time between each frame of your video.
If you want to capture a lot of movement, use a shorter interval. If you want a more static, more jerky, and dreamlike video, use a longer interval. A smaller interval will result in a smoother video.

Consider the Length of Your Video
When shooting time-lapse photography, one of the most important factors to consider is the length of your video. You will need to make sure that you have enough time to capture all the desired moments.
If in doubt, choose to shoot for a longer period than you think you need. It’s always better to have too much footage than not enough.
Keep in mind how much time you realistically have to shoot your time-lapse. If you only have a few hours, you won’t be able to capture a very long video.
Certain time-lapse effects will require a longer video. For example, if you want to capture the Milky Way moving across the sky, you will need to shoot for a longer time.
Ready and Steady Your Camera
Consider using a tripod to keep your camera steady throughout the long exposure. This will ensure that your camera is stationary and that your photos are all aligned.
If you’re using a DSLR, set your camera to Bulb mode so that the shutter stays open as long as you need it to. You should also set your camera to shoot in RAW format so you have more flexibility when editing the photos later.
Also, be sure to keep an eye on your battery life, as time lapses can drain a lot of power. With practice, you’ll be able to estimate the correct exposure for your scene.
Be Creative: Pan and Sweep
To add some variety to your time-lapse, try panning, sweeping, or tilting the camera during the exposure. This will give the final video a more dynamic look.
If you are shooting a time-lapse of a cityscape, you may also want to consider using a panning head to give your video a sweeping effect.
How to Edit Your Time-Lapse Video
Editing a timelapse video is relatively simple and only requires a few key steps.
After you import your video into your editing software, you’ll want to select the appropriate frame rate. For most video projects, 30 frames per second are the standard, but for time-lapses, you’ll want to increase this to 60, or even 120 frames per second. Doing so will make your video smoother and more pleasing to the eye.
Once you’ve done that, you can add any other standard video editing effects, like transitions, text, or music. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different effects to find something that looks amazing.
Find the Right Look For Your Video
Now that you know the basics of Time Lapse photography, go out and experiment! Time-lapse photography is a great way to capture the world around you in a new and interesting way. Just remember to keep your camera steady, use a tripod if possible, and experiment with different shutter speeds to find the right look for your time-lapse.
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