It is the end of the Elizabethan era, with the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.
Apparently we are now in the Carolean era.
Everything has now gone back to normal, which is a bit of a relief all the news got a bit much in the end.
Here is our week:
Sunday 18th September
With Monday being a bank holiday for the Queen’s funeral and our shop closed, I had to work to get end of week done. The shop was bedlam from 2pm, as people realised we weren’t open the next day. It honestly felt like Christmas!!

Monday 19th September
A day if history as we laid Queen Elizabeth II to rest in a State Funeral.

We spent the whole day in front of the television, watching the processions, the funeral and committal service, which was all beautifully done. Isaac watched with us, but the younger two were not interested so Eliza had a couple of new school friends round to visit.

Tuesday 20th September
After the intenseness of the last two weeks, it felt strange when everything went back to normal.

Sebby’s school has decided to do Sports Day in September instead of the summer, so I headed back to school early to watch him take part.

Sebby isn’t the most competitive child, but enjoyed the activities nonetheless.
Wednesday 21st September
Isaac was a bit later than normal getting to my car after school. Turns out he made a detour to Asda as they had a new drink in stock that he was after.

Apparently it’s made by Logan Paul and KSI, but I was more impressed that it matched his uniform.
Thursday 22nd September
The kids have all had a cold in the last week, but Sebby has been suffering the most so we did a COVID test. Thankfully it was negative.

Friday 23rd September
A long day at work for me, but achieved lots which is always rewarding.

The only photo I took today was of our Community Grant voting unit, as there is only a week left to vote.
Saturday 24th September
It is nice to have my weekends back and not have to work.

We were supposed to be doing a review of the local Sealife centre but the tickets didn’t come through, so we headed into Poole instead, where I got stung for some more Autumnal clothes as they have all had a growth spurt.
How was your week?
I watched most of Monday too. Such a big part of history, but a relief to be back to normal afterwards. Hope all the children are over their colds. N was the same – all negative tests although felt awful for 2 days with a little cough for some of it. Thankfully it was obviously just the usual autumn cold