We are on countdown to half term now. It feels like a really long term, but in reality has only been six weeks.
It has been an extremely busy week at work and I have worked 7 days on the trot, but it has all been worth it as everything we were working to achieve went off without a hitch on Saturday.
Here is my week:
Sunday 9th October
No time to rest after BlogOn as I had to work, but it is good to get some overtime time as I need to start buying some Christmas presents soon.
I managed to syphon some of the goodies I can use for presents out of the BlogOn goodie bags, but let the kids loose with the bags so they could enjoy some of the treats.

Thankfully they did clear up afterwards!!
Monday 10th October
If you read last weeks post, you will know that Eliza injured her hand on Friday at school, so it was a revisit to the urgent treatment centre for an X-Ray.

Our hospitals have seen a massive upturn in COVID cases in the last couple of week, so mask wearing is compulsory again. It feels so strange wearing a mask after so much time.

Thankfully, there are no broken bones, just soft tissue damage, so she has to keep her splint on for another few days whilst it heals.
Tuesday 11th October
Eliza has been desperate for a new pet since we lost her mantis in the summer and we are considering getting a bearded dragon.

My husband sent this picture home from work, of two in his shop. We think the red one will be joining the family next week.
Wednesday 12th October
I have missed swimming lessons for the chance to read my book, so with Sebby back doing his lessons, I have finally started this book that I bought over a year ago!

I loved the first one and am 7 chapters in already!
Thursday 13th October
As part of my job as a Community Champion, I often donate food to schools for cooking projects. Today I received a lovely thank you note from one of the Yr 2 pupils.

Friday 14th October
At work we are celebrating £100 million being donated to charities across the UK, so I made a display on one of our windows and have been giving gold chocolate coins to the customers.

The sky was on fire when I got home from work.

Saturday 15th October
Another celebration at work for the Community Grants. This time, our region was selected to giveaway an additional grant of £10,000, so I headed to the Express in Bournemouth where one lucky customer got to choose who to give this grant to.

Tesco also provided a couple of confetti cannons and they left me in charge of one – it was so powerful it knocked out one of the roof panels………ooops!!
How was your week?
I am really looking forward to half term too.
The BlogOn goodie bags always look good.
I hope Eliza’s hand is feeling better now.
It sounds like things are going well at work. Well done with all of the grants. x
Lots of fun things going on at work. Hope Eliza’s hand heals fast. I did the same with my goody bags too. There’s less nowadays that N is fussed about so I’ve got a charity shop bag waiting to go with the not wanted stuff.
Glad there were no broken bones! I want either a guinea pig or a gecko but think two puppies are enough for now! #project365
Glad the hand wasn’t broken.
I really want a bearded dragon but not sure I can feed it live food!
The BlogOn goody bags look amazing. Glad the X-ray showed that there were no broken bones in Eliza’s hand. Hope it has healed now. £100 million being donated to charities across the UK is an amazing achievement. Oops to the confetti cannon knocking out a roof panel! #project365