Summer is on its way – not imminently, but there are signs that spring is beginning to stir, and that means that summer will follow in a surprisingly short time: already, the days are longer and warmer than just a week or so ago. And that means, no matter whether you are basking in the warmth of Dorset in the south of England or enjoying brisk coastal walks in Kirkcaldy in Fife, Scotland, you should start preparing your vehicle for those long lazy summer days, day trips to the beach or even further afield, or going off to visit rarely seen relatives. Here are five ways you can get your tyres ready for summer, so your drives are smooth and trouble-free.
Replace Them!
If your tyres are beginning to get old, show signs of damage or even suffer frequent punctures, then they probably need to be replaced. Tyres are made from rubber which is a natural product, and – like all natural products – it can deteriorate over time, even if you take great care of your tyres. Once the rubber has reached a certain age and begins to crack or dry out, the tyres’ days are numbered and you will save yourself a lot of stress and inconvenience by replacing the whole set sooner rather than later. Having your car off the road can be incredibly stressful. If you are looking to buy tyres in Kirkcaldy, book online now at Fife Autocentre.
Align Them
The way your tyres are placed on the axles of your vehicle is called the alignment, and if it is not perfectly measured, your tyres can push or pull against each other, causing excess wear and tear on the tyres themselves, but also on the axle and the other moving parts in the vehicle. Take a few moments to get your tyres aligned before any long trip and enjoy many peaceful hours of low-friction driving, secure in the knowledge that your tyres are rolling smoothly and evenly.
Balance Your Wheels
Often done at the same time as tyre alignment, wheel balancing involves ensuring that all four tyres are carrying an even amount of the car’s weight – a balanced spread of weight over all the wheels and tyres, in other words. Once again, this helps to reduce wear and tear, but it also offers a quieter, more comfortable ride. Both wheel balancing and tyre alignment used to be fairly lengthy and painstaking processes that required time and effort on the part of a highly qualified and experienced mechanic to perfect. Today, the process is fully automated, with a computer making minute adjustments in seconds to achieve an effect that is close to perfect.

Check the Inflation
Modern tyres are designed to work best at the recommended levels of inflation. This means that the old-fashioned ‘seat of your pants’ drivers who would think nothing of letting a little air out of the tyres in order to have them grip the road more securely are long gone. Instead, concentrate on keeping your tyres topped up to between the recommended range (usually a fairly narrow one) and enjoy many hours of trouble-free driving at maximum comfort and safety.
Monitor Tread Depth
Finally, keep an eye on your tread depth. While the legal limit is to have at least three-quarters of your contact surface have tread depth of at least 1.6mm, most motoring experts recommend not allowing the total surface area to fall below 3mm to enjoy peace of mind when driving, especially in inclement weather which can cause hydroplaning and skids in cars with insufficient grip on the roads. The UK’s weather – no matter where you are in the country – from the mountains of Scotland and Kirkaldy, to the rolling hills of Dorset – is unpredictable and anyone can find themselves in the heart of a downpour at any moment. Make sure that such a rainstorm will not find you wanting in the tread department!
These five tips can help keep you safely on the UK’s road network this summer. Being a careful and mindful driver does not only keep you safe, but also protects other road users too.