Project 365 2024 – Week 24

It has been a bit of an emotional week here this week, with Isaac’s last day at school – finished off with two exams.

I was a bit disappointed that we couldn’t go to their leavers assembly, but have Sebby’s to look forward to in a few of weeks.

Sunday 9th June

We managed to pull off a surprise birthday party for my mother-in-law who turned 70 on 6th June.

It was a lovely relaxed barbecue and it was one of the rare occasions when all the kids (and grandkids) were in the same place at the same time.

Of course, when they get all together, there is always some horsing around.

Monday 10th June

Back to work for me. I dropped Isaac at a revision session before I started and then it was a busy day of dealing with issues.

My only photo is of presenting a cheque to Friends of Poole Dolphin from our charity bookstand.

Tuesday 11th June

I worked the morning at preschool and then had the dentist in the afternoon. Apparently my gum is receeding at the back, so they have filled the teeth as a preventative measure.

Isaac decided he was going back to preschool and put on Lilah’s school jumper.

Wednesday 12th June

Another preschool day for me and thankfully the weather stayed dry so we could get outside.

We have been doing the Euro sweepstake at work – I got Turkey!

Thursday 13th June

Isaac was very excited by today’s post – he has caught the Ted Lasso bug and ordered himself an AFC Richmond Shirt. Of course he went for Roy Kent!

Friday 14th June

Isaac’s last day at school, with two of the worst exams to finish his school years on – Spanish and Physics.

I didn’t actually see him after school as he went straight out with his friends to celebrate. When he got home, he took great delight in burning all his revision notes and test papers and comparing his signed shirts from primary and secondary school.

Saturday 15th June

Work was surprisingly quiet, I wonder if our customers were all watching Trooping of the Colour?

My non-football loving son, Sebby, has caught the Euro’s bug and done a family sweepstake. Prize is only bragging rights, but it’s getting competitive already. Sadly I didn’t do much better and ended up with Slovakia.

How was your week?

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4 thoughts on “Project 365 2024 – Week 24”

  1. That first photo made me chuckle.
    Congratulations on Isaac finishing school. What a great way to celebrate, burning all the revision notes.
    Well done with the surprise party for your Mother in Law, it looks like a great do. What a lovely family photo!
    You did better than my fella with the works Euro sweepstake, he got Georgia, I didn’t even know they were in it. lol

  2. Lovely picture of everyone. We haven’t got a full family photo anywhere, and not even one with all the cousins – the last one with their Gramp was taken before N was born. Bet Isaac’s pleased he’s finished. Hope the exams all went well. No sweepstakes at my work. Now we’re all hybrid and spread more across different office hubs, there’s not reall the opportunitiy for that type of fun anymore.

  3. How lovely to have everyone there for your mother-in-law’s birthday – looks like it was a wonderful day and what a beautiful photo of you all together. I love the photo of the boys horsing around too. Isaac looks very funny in Lilah’s school jumper. Love the ceremonial burning of the revision papers and comparing the signed shirts from primary and secondary school. #project365


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