Woah, where have the last two weeks gone.
A combination of too much work and back to school has left me behind…….again.
I have to admit that them going back to school is a bit of relief, the school holiday’s cost us too much money, even though Isaac is earning his own now. I have now have one in Yr12, one in Yr9 and one in Yr7 and finally all in the same school again.
Here are our last two weeks:
Sunday 1st September
We popped to see Dad at work and he arranged for the kids to meet and feed some of the animals.

Both of them fell in love with an adoption hamster called Peter, but we are not ready for another pet yet.

Monday 2nd September
Dad phoned to say Peter had been adopted and Eliza, ever the drama queen, wanted to send him a picture of her playing up to her “devastation” at this news.

Tuesday 3rd September
The last day of the school holiday’s for Sebby and Isaac. Eliza has an extra day at home, much to their disgust.

Sebby had homework to read the book When Secrets Set Sail and he finally finished it just in time!
Wednesday 4th September
First day of secondary school for Sebby and 6th form for Isaac.

Isaac didn’t want a picture as it was a team building day, but both boys really enjoyed it.
Thursday 5th September
All back to school – Yr12, Yr9 and Yr7!
I totally failed in putting them in the right order, but love the comparison of these photos.

Friday 6th September
My husband’s car went in for its MOT and a service and turns out that it needed four new tyres. Cue much running around trying to find somewhere with the right size ones – who knew it would be so difficult.

With his car off the road, we were down to one car, so I had to drop him to work in Dorchester and pick him up. It was an excuse to stop and see if there was a new postbox topper in Puddletown.

Saturday 7th September
The service of the car was to prove more problematic than we thought and the garage had to order a part, which wouldn’t arrive until Tuesday and because of where we both work and the school runs, we couldn’t manage with one car. Thankfully my Mum said we could borrow hers for a couple of days – going from a 1litre to a 2.8 was a bit of a shock, but after getting used to it, it’s a lovely car to drive.

Sunday 8th September
A work day for me and Isaac, but I had to stop and take a picture of a post box topper which has appeared in our road.

Monday 9th September
A real early 4.45am start for me as I am covering a colleagues holiday and my only photo is of some coins that came in banded together – not fun to untangle at a stupid time of the morning.

Tuesday 10th September
Another work day, but the evening was fun as we were invited to the opening night of Ghost the Musical. at Bournemouth Pavilion.

We really enjoyed the show, the story lends itself really well to the stage.
Wednesday 11th September
Lilah’s first day at school and in the same academy trust as Isaac, Eliza and Sebby, so she has a very similar uniform. She was nervous, but very excited.

A late night for me, so my only pictures are boring work ones.
Thursday 12th September
I was told back in August that I had won a food waste warrior award from Tesco, following a charity nomination – today my prize came through and I was surprised that I won a gift card, as well as a certificate and badge.

It is always nice to be recognised for your work, especially when a lot of people don’t understand what I do.
Friday 13th September
Unlucky for some, but not for us. Both Eliza and Sebby were elected as their respective Tutor reps.
My only photo is of Willow who has taken a shine to our new Gonk.

Saturday 14th September
My last working day after working 10 days on the trot and then it was out for a colleagues leaving do. I haven’t been into town for years and it has certainly changed alot. The cocktails were good, but not sure about the novelty cups though.

How was your week?
Aww! That post box toppers are so cute!
What fun for the kids to feed the animals. Eliza being a drama queen did make me chuckle.
The kids are looking so grown up! Good luck with the new school year. x
Love a postbox topper. We have quite a few round by us regularly changing. Love how Isaac’s smile and pose hasn’t really changed over the years of the first school photos! Hope Lilah and Sebby are getting on well with their first days.
Love the photo of the kids back to school. Hope Lilah is enjoying Reception. Well done with the award at work, hope you enjoy treating yourself with the voucher. Love those knitted postbox toppers, haven’t seen any round our way for a while. Hope the car is sorted now.
Nice to have the kids in the same school again. Sebby looks very grown up in his secondary school uniform. Hope he is enjoying it. What a difference seeing the secondary school photo next to the primary school one. Love the post box toppers. Hope Lilah enjoyed her first day in Reception and is settling into school well. Well done to you on your food waste warrior award. #project365