Sometimes you get to a point when you just have to have a clear out and it has to be quite brutal.
Today was one of those days.
We were offered FREE loft insulation and that’s something that we can’t afford to turn down, with the cost of energy rising and tightening our belts as fast as they will tighten.
What is does mean that after 7 years of dumping the stuff that wouldnt fit in the rest of the house in the loft, that it would have to be sorted and cleared.
Firstly, I don’t think I have ever seen so many empty boxes in my life!! Hubby is insistent on keeping them incase anything goes wrong with the products, however they stay up there even after the original product has been discarded!!
So what did we find?
Old gaming consoles – Sega Megadrive, Playstation 1 and loads of games
Old mobile phones (so out of date that Mazuma would die laughing if I tried to sell them)
kettles, a toaster and an ancient computer monitor .
5 video recorders – yes 5!!!!!!!
An old fat TV
A football table
Precious memories too. Boxes of old photo’s, baby books (turns out I’m a bit slack at filling them in), favourite toys, first outfits to name but a few.
I have barely started sorting through the boxes, but already I have been distracted by some old photographs
If you are following me on Instagram, I have popped a couple on there, but stay tuned as I will be embarrassing my older children very very soon!!
I am also going to scan my pictures onto the computer so they are safe on a hard drive too……..this is going to take me hours!
Glad it’s not just me that fails to fill in baby books….the intention was there it’s just there was always something much more pressing to do. Will probably regret not doing it someday.