Win a Christmas Jar of Retro Sweets

What were your favourite sweets as a child?

For me, there was nothing better than taking my pennies to the local sweet shop and choosing a variety of one and two penny sweets.  From Flying Saucers to Mojos, Fruit Salads to Black Jacks.  I also loved the chewy bars and the Wham Bar was my favourite!!

Retro Sweets make a great, thoughtful Christmas present and can instantly whisk you back to your childhood and you can get them all at Keep It Sweet.

Keep it Sweet was set up by an ex-colleague of mine and my children demand sweets from here every Christmas.  In fact, Santa makes sure their stockings are filled with Keep It Sweet goodies!

They have such a wide range of products, I can guarantee you will spend ages perusing the website and with prices starting from £1, you really can’t go wrong.

You can also follow them on twitter at @KeepItSweetUK and/or like them on facebook for more news and offers.

To celebrate Christmas, the wonderful people at Keep It Sweet have offered me a Christmas Jar worth £14.99 full of goodies to giveaway!

Christmas Jar 1.8l - Keep It Sweet

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  • Closing date: 16th December 2012
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    235 thoughts on “Win a Christmas Jar of Retro Sweets”

    1. It would have to be the chocolate sticks for me. I’ve haven’t seen these in many, many years but loved them as a kid. The whole brings out such memories of childhood, just by looking at the sweets

    2. Rainbow drops, they always remind me of the after school tuck shop treats!

      Thanks for running the competition and your lovely blog.

    3. Do I have to pick just one? Cola cubes were a fav of mine, but closely followed by catherine wheels…..oh and sherbert dips….oh and drumsticks

    4. Fizz wizz cause my daughter loves it and it brings back those childhood memories of emptying a whole packet in ur mouth then crackling for ages 🙂

    5. I would very much risk hyperglycaemia just to binge on all this 😛 I’m sure it would make for a very energetic Christmas!

    6. Definitly WHAM bars I absolutly love them, remind me of childhood and taste awesome!!! Great prize good luck everyone and merry christmas 🙂

    7. Thats a hard one, theres too many I remember loving from my childhood, think I will have to go with the fuzzy cola bottles, haven’t had any for years.


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