Coffee’s For Closers

My husband works in Sales, and if there is one profession I do not like it is sales people (ironic isn’t it).

I know they have a job to do, but it is the way some are so pushy and in your face which in turn makes me shut up shop and turn and run for the hills!! My husband will agree that there are numerous examples of bad sales people but there are also good salespeople too.

Hubby went on a training course a few weeks back and came back so motivated and full of excitement about what he had learnt, that even I took an interest.  The gentleman that ran the training course was a man by the name of Tony Morris, who was engaging, fun and what’s more gave a fabulous insight into the minds of us consumers.

You are probably wondering why I am telling you all this.

Well, Tony has a book out called Coffee’s for Closers, which I think I would make a fabulous Christmas present for anyone you know who works in a sales environment or has their own business, be it a husband, wife, brother, sister etc.

Coffee's for Closers by Tony Morris

The book is full of real life sales tips that you need to answer the real life questions you get in the daily world of sales and is highly recommended for anyone who needs a sales boost or businesses looking on ways to improve and get more from their sales team.

What both hubby and I like about the book is that it does not preach and it has a real sense of humour, with some real laugh out loud moments!!  It gives tips to approaching different people and after studying my behaviours as a consumer I am a yellow extravert – yep – I like attention and hubby is a blue analyst.  He would be very wise to read what irritates me!!

So, if you are stuck for a present for that new business owner or someone working in sales, be it face to face or over the phone, then this book would be perfect!!

You can follow Tony on twitter as @SalesDoctors, see his blog here and like him on Facebook for more news, views and tips!

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