Christmas – Done!

Well, that is it – Christmas done and dusted for another year and it was back to earth with a rather large bump, when hubby’s alarm went off at 6.15am this morning as he had to go back to work! (Who in their right mind wants to kitchen shopping at 7am on Boxing Day morning?)

Anyway, apart from an unexpected but very welcome guest which meant a bit of last minute rushing around and a spot of illness, it all went off without a hitch.

We now have a house full of more toys, and I have no idea where we are going to put them.  Some serious re-jigging will be occurring once the Christmas tree is down, that’s for sure!

So, I bring you a few highlights!

This was by far the favourite toy of the day for a certain young man, and he even forgot that he had more presents to open.

Isaac with his Skylanders Giants
Isaac and his Skylanders Giants

Eliza adores her very own kitchen, although hubby was moaning that he now has to clear up two kitchens instead of one!

John Crane Tidlo Kitchen
Eliza washing up in her new kitchen

Someone no longer has to steal his Dad’s coat!

Superdry Coat
Callan modelling his Superdry coat, that didn’t leave his back all day!

It has taken months of saving, and we were mean making him wait, but he has his laptop!!

Finally saved up enough for his laptop!

Peace and quiet for Room on the Broom!

Quiet time
The only time the house was completely silent for Room on the Broom!

Look what Nanny bought our Skylanders fan!!

Skylanders Giants Duvet
The only time someone was actually excited about going to bed!

And then it was time for bed!

Peppa Pig pyjamas
Eliza’s new jammies!
Hope you all had a fantastic day, cannot wait to see all your pictures!
Happy Boxing Day, 
Love ChelseaMamma xx

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