Yesterday we went to see Ben and Holly Live at the Octagon Theatre in Yeovil, having booked tickets all the way back in December.
Eliza adores Ben and Holly – it even surpasses Peppa Pig and she is gradually collecting all the toys. She wore her Princess Holly t-shirt and we gathered up our own Ben, Holly, Nanny Plum, Gaston the Ladybird and “Wandy” and set off in search of the Little Kingdom.
We were not disappointed – the kids were given a sticker as soon as we got there which were worn with pride. From the moment the music started, Eliza was transfixed. In fact I don’t think I have ever seen her so excited.
The Little Kingdom was brought to life by amazing sets and the characters were instantly recognisable as those we know and love from the TV. I loved the fact that Holly’s wings fluttered, Gaston’s legs wiggled and the way Ben blew his horn had the audience chuckling away.
The characters embarked on adventures we all know and love and the audience were encouraged to join in throughout. We helped Ben & Holly play hide and seek, did a spell with Nanny Plum to turn Ben back into himself after Holly accidentally turned him into a frog, helped Nanny Plum try and cure King Thistle of his cold and Eliza’s very favourite part was a JELLY FLOOD!!!!!!
Even Lucy came to play, and there was a magical flight to experience with Puppets on her journey to visit the Little Kingdom just before the interval.
Each half of the show was 30 minutes, which is perfect for the little ones and we had a 15 minute comfort break in between. There are songs and dancing too and we were all encouraged to join in at the end.
The merchandise on sale was reasonably priced. T-shirts were £12, umbrella’s £8, an activity brochure £5, Windmill Toys £6, Balloons £4 and Ben’s Horn was £3. Guess which one Daddy bought?
Yep – you guessed it……….The Horn!!
I’m an Elf *TOOT* |
It took her the journey home to master it, but master it she has!!
For more information on tickets and the show visit or you can like their facebook page or follow them on twitter @benandhollylive.