Kian’s Birthday Adventure

Kian’s birthday seems such a long time ago now, but in reality it has only been a couple of weeks since he celebrated in style.

He was first offered the opportunity to go Coasteering in July, but a combination of nerves and not knowing what to expect put him off, so his elder brother went instead with Abbey’s boyfriend.

After hearing about what a wonderful time they had had, Kian was keen to give it a go so I booked a family session with Studland Sea School.  The group of adventurers set off nice and early on the morning of Kian’s birthday all bubbling with excitement about what they were going to do.

Studland Sea School
Callan, Kian, Hubby, Abbey

Arriving at the meeting point in good time, they put on their safety equipment, had their safety briefing and set off on the long walk down to Dancing Ledge, which is a little precarious in places, but beautiful……..hubby even remarked how you can see fossils embedded in the rocks everywhere!

Studland Sea School

Once at the bottom, they were treated to views like this……

Studland Sea School

They started gently, jumping in from a small ledge and getting used to swimming with the currents and how to climb in and out.

Studland Sea School

Once they had mastered this, they moved onto bigger and better jumps and climbs, as well as some cave exploration.

Finally it was time for the highest jump of all.  Kian and Abbey decided not to attempt it, but Paul, Callan and Hubs were game!
Coasteering with Studland Sea School
Lasting three hours they were shattered by the time they had finished, but had thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  Kian was the perfect age to take part and having his siblings and Dad encouraging him really helped.  He did get a tow at one point I noticed!
Studland Sea School
Hitching a lift!
If you fancy giving it a go you do need to be physically fit as you are constantly swimming against the tides and hauling yourselves up onto the cliffs, but I can guarantee it is great fun and we will definitely be going again, only this time I am going to join in too!

It is the perfect activity for adventurous teens and a great idea for Stag and Hen parties too.

Studland Sea School
My only other piece of advice is to save a little bit of energy for the walk back up hill to the car park……’s a long way!!
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

13 thoughts on “Kian’s Birthday Adventure”

  1. Wow what an adventurous bunch they are! Having Dad along must have been so reassuring and given Kian the confidence boost to push himself to find his limits. Our two eldest joined some local children tombstoning in France, they found it exhilarating (my heart was in my throat watching). Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.


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