Booktrust has announced the definitive list of 100 books to read before you’re 14 – and to celebrate they are giving away five books from the list.
Drawing from over 90 years’ experience recommending children’s books; Booktrust experts selected the final 100 from an initial list of 500 books and are now asking everyone to join the debate and vote online for their favourites on the list here.. The nation’s top books will be announced on November 25th so pick up a book, get reading and tell Booktrust what you think!
Booktrust are giving five of my readers the chance to win the book of their choice from the list, from the eclectic mix of traditional classics and modern greats that Booktrust believe are must-reads to fire children’s imaginations and turn them into life-long readers.
To be in with a chance of winning one of these fantastic books, all you have to do to enter is:
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When I was really little I loved ladybird books – I had loads of traditional stories such as Cinderella, Snow White, The Gingerbread Man etc but I think my favourite was The Little Red Hen as I loved all the characters….Henny Penny, Goosey Lucy,…..Ahhh!
Puddle Lane Books and Alfie Books
My favourite was Vlad the Drac x
The magic Faraway Tree
Loved all Enis Blytons books.
Mine was Matilda, but any Roald Dahl books were great
Ant and Bee, Topsy and Tim
Fantastic Mr Fox
Topsy and Tim, and any roald dahl or enid blyton book!
so hard to pick one! Matilda
hungry caterpillar
Five on Treasure Island – Enid Blyton
The paper bag princess
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (still is!).
the demon headmaster
So many great books – I always loved My Naughty Little Sister and the Beezer and Ramona series 🙂
the jolly postman
kay panayi
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
Old bear!
The Secret Garden
I would read anything, but Enid Blyton books topped the list. Hard to think of which one specifically.
Enid Blyton’s The Magic Faraway Tree
chicken licken or just nuffin
The Magic Faraway Tree was my favourite too.
The adventures of Mr Pinkwhistle, Enid Blyton.
I loved meg and mog
The Jolly Postman
The Mr Men original series 🙂
I loved loadsss of books, couldn’t possibly pick a favourite!
The Witches by Roald Dahl
The chalet school series
magic faraway tree
The Lion the Witch and the wardrobe great read
I loved the Witches 🙂
the elves and the shoemaker
When you give a mouse a cookie 🙂
The animals of farthing wood. x
My favourite book was Each Peach Pear Plum, I still know it off by heart. xxx
Treasure Island
famous five
famous five go to kirrin island
Harry potter
Little House on the Prairie
The Lion witch and wardrobe
Alice in Wonderland
Little miss pepperpot x
Bobsey Twins
The Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton
The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier
The Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton
famous five
from samantha price
Enid Blyton’s Magic Faraway Tree
The Magic Faraway Tree
i loved animal ark books
I adored the magic faraway tree and also charlie and the chocolate factory
The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) by Roald Dahl.
So many faces but always especially loved Ronald Dahl books!
So many faces but always especially loved Ronald Dahl books!
I read “the worst witch” over and over and over 🙂
famous five and secret seven
The Hobbit
Astrid Lindgrens Pipi Longstockings
The Magic Faraway Tree 🙂
My Naughty Little Sister
The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton
Alice in Wonderland 🙂
loved the worst witch
anything by enid blyton, my head was always in one of her books
Loved the Grimms Fairytales
The Railway Children
Roald Dahl books
Richard Scarrys Busy Busy World
Charlotte’s Web
Peach at last
The hungry caterpillar!
loved Matilda as a girl 🙂
I used to love the Laura Ingalls Wilder ‘Little House’ series
The magic faraway tree
The twits!
The Tiger who came to tea was an absolute favourite! Also loved my Beatrix Potter collection
Carrie’s War by Nina Bawdon
The magic faraway tree.
The Far Away Tree
It was a Russian book in a German translation 😉 Called Lustige Geschichten
naughty Amelia jane by enid blyton
the fox busters.
little women
The first books I loved were meg & mog. Then, when I could read, I loved ‘The Witches’
the narnia books
Roald dahl collection
the mr men series was always a hit with me
any enid blyton!
The BFG 🙂
a book called Dogger…lovely pictures and now my kids have it too
The Worst Witch, by Jill Murphy
Alice through the looking glass
Any of the Annuals went down well at Christmas. Happy days.xx
Little Women
Famous Five
Little House on the Prairie
Anything by Roald Dahl, Lion witch and the wardrobe and the magic porridge pot.
Enid Blyton – The Magic of the Faraway Tree 🙂
I loved the secret seven books and also babysitters club
Roald Dahl’s The BFG
Roald Dahl – The BFG
I loved Tracey Beaker by Jacqueline Wilson. Remember re-borrowing from the library & reading it over & over.
Was a bit disappointed with the tv series. Just not how I pictured it!
the witches
Enid Blytons Mallory Towers series
i had a big book of fairytales.
i had always asked to be read cinderella 🙂
Angelina Ballerina, the detail is mesmerising and even now I’m enchanted. 🙂
Enid Blyton’s Magic Faraway tree
I loved the Famous Five books 🙂
beatrix potter
where’s spot 🙂
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
I used to love my Paddington bear books
I loved reading as a child but I guess the books that stand out are the Roald Dahl ones
a necklace of raindrops
I loved The Magic Far Away Tree 😀
loved Roald Dahl witches bfg
The Faraway Tree
I loved The Park in The Dark by Martin Waddell. Amazing story i never tired of it!
might mouse and the owl who was afriad of the dark x
The Hobbit
I loved Enid Blyton books
The Voyage of The Dawn Treader
I used to love the Sleepover Club books
Vicki G
The Faraway Tree
Any and all Enid Blyton books
When I was little The Hungry Catapillar,as I got older I loved Charlie and the Chocolate factory and also The Enchanted Wood
Topsy and Tim and Ant and Bee
A single favourite book is so HARD! I loved Hairy McClary, Not Now Bernard by David McKee and The Trip to Panama!
Alice in Wonderland…it is such a weird and wonderful tale with such great characters in a truly colourful world.
the lion, the witch and the wardrobe
helen booth
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
The very hungry caterpillar 🙂
The princess and the frog
I can’t recall. I do remember I enjoyed a book about fairies.
I do love the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Rachel Craig
Famous Five
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt 😀
The Little Vampire
The Twins and St Clares and Mallory Towers series – both by Enid Blyton
I loved Topsy and Turvey and when I was older the Famous Five
huey, duey, and Lowie Donald ducks nephews……………… I still have the book and read it to my own kids
Not now Bernard
The Magic Faraway Tree
I loved anything by Enid Blyton
There’s No Such Things As Dragons 🙂
Would you rather
stig of the dump
spig of the dump
Five Go Down To The Sea by Enid Blyton
The Wind in the Willows
The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe
used to love the witches by roald dahl 🙂
Mallory towers by Enid Blyton as I always wanted to go to boarding school.
The magic Faraway Tree
Matilda! 🙂 x
The Tiger who came to Tea @lcmbilas
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe xx
The crawly crawly caterpillar
I loved the hungry catapilla
Alice in Wonderland
The magic porridge pot
the lion, the witch and the wardrobe
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton
the famous five – Enid Blyton
Matilda xx
The Jolly Postman
I loved my Beatrix Potter books – I had the entire collection 🙂
Anything by Enid Blyton
Loved Mega dn Mog as a child.
green eggs and ham
Mr Galliano’s circus.
I loved Five go to Smugglers Top by Enid Blyton 🙂
The magic Faraway Tree
The secret garden
The Painted garden by Noel Streatfeild
The Gruffalo 😀
mr men
The Wishing Chair
winnie the pooh
Alice In Wonderland
A year without micheal
The Goosebumps series!
Kel xx
Magic Faraway Tree
Five on Treasure Island – Enid Blyton
The tiger that came to tea
The Very Hungry Caterpillar