Woolly and Tig iPad App

We have been very lucky to have been testing out the new Woolly and Tig app, which is launched tomorrow.

If you have not seen the CBeebies favourite, it is all about a little girl called Tig and her toy spider Woolly, exploring the feelings that children have when faced with new experiences.

The app can be used in two ways:

Free Play

Woolly talks to you and encourages you to make tickle, hug or stroke him and make him do roly polys.

Structured Play

You have to help Woolly with everyday activities.  You can choose from getting dressed, washing his face and brushing your teeth to having fun in the rain, sun and snow.  Eliza loves dressing him in multi-coloured socks, whereas Isaac prefers to stick to one colour.

The app is easy to use and Woolly describes how to complete each activity clearly and in his distinctive and easily recognisable voice.

Woolly loves jumping in puddles and then encourages you to make a rainbow afterwards.

There is also a parent scheduler which allows you to schedule a message from Woolly to remind the child to do a certain activity.  This is great for interaction with the app and if it helps me get them to brush their teeth without argument then its a winner!

The app is available on iTunes from Monday 9th December priced at £2.99

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