Coping with the clock change with Cussons Mum & Me #SilentSocial

Spring Forward, Fall Back is a term that has stuck with me since childhood and is a great way of remembering which way the clocks will turn in spring and autumn.

My kids, with the exception of the teens are early risers by nature and I don’t think I every really got them back into a routine since the clocks changed by in October, although 5am did eventually progress to 6am wake ups.

I am almost looking forward to losing an hour in bed on Sundays, as a 7am wake-up somehow feels much better than a 6am one.

The team at Cussons Mum & Me understand that sleepless nights with babies and young children can often feel lonely, so for the first time Mum’s all over the country can look forward to some virtual company on Saturday night as they host their first ever all night Silent Social.

The Silent Social will involve the Cussons Mum & Me team staying up throughout the night to engage with Mum’s on twitter, offering advice and motivation from real mums who have done it all themselves.  Twitter feeds of mums following Cussons Mum & Me will come to life during the early hours of the morning, making a change from this notoriously quiet period for twitter interactions.

Silent Social

To ensure that mum can take part without disturbing their baby, the activity is designed to be completely silent and videos will be accompanied by subtitles.

Cussons Mum & Me are also running a competition on its twitter account to encourage experienced mums to submit their advice and motivational messages for a chance to win a selection of products, and a selection of these will be used during the Silent Social.

A spokesman for Cussons Mum & Me, the mother and baby toiletries brand behind the initiative, said “The night-time feeds can be both tiring and lonely for mums and it’s easy to feel a little isolated as family and friends are sleeping

With the Silent Social, we are hoping to bring together mums who are in the same situation and encourage real-time, positive conversations.  We’ll be providing advice from mums that are now past the sleepless night stage and sharing their tips for this difficult, early period of motherhood.

Mums who are awake during the night can get involved by following @MumandMe_UK and using the hashtag #SilentSocial to join the conversation.

The Silent Social initiative follows the popular #VoiceofMums campaign which was launched last year and also involved real mums sharing their experiences.  A new take on a much-loved children’s rhyme was created, talking about the realities of bath time with a baby.

We even made our own version:

The Cussons Mum & Me range of products are designed to help with the amazing realities of being a Mum.  In particular, the range includes several Sleep Tight products, recognising the importance of a good nights sleep for both Mum and Baby.  Formulated with natural ingredients known to encourage relaxation such as lavender and camomile, the Sleep Tight range is a must for bedtime routines.

The Mum & Me range is available from Boots, Asda, Tesco, Ocado, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Wilkinsons.


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