I totally failed at doing my Project 365 post last week as we were at Camp Bestival and I was drowning under a mountain of washing once we got back, so this week will be a bumper two week catch up post and boy have we been busy.
Obviously we were at Camp Bestival for 4 days but we have also visited Arundel Wetlands Centre in West Sussex, the National Space Centre in Leicester and I am currently sat in my hotel room in Colchester, Essex as we are attending the wedding of my husbands best friend.
I am super proud to say that Isaac is finally riding his bike without stabilsers after attending a course at our local leisure centre. He still can’t figure out how to start himself off, but we are getting there.
Camp Bestival was AMAZING! The best one yet and we topped it off by not only meeting Mr Tumble, who Sebby was enamoured by, but also Dick n Dom which made Isaac’s day! Of course there was fabulous music too and was mere inches from Ricky Wilson (not in a stalkerish way – honest!).
So without further ado, here is week 31:
Week 32 continued with our last day at Camp Bestival and an amazing firework display. The Monday was spent emptying cars and washing and Tuesday we headed to Sussex to meet up with my eldest son, Callan and took the kids to Arundel for the afternoon with the highlight of a boat tour of the wetlands.
On Wednesday we visited the Oceanarium in Bournemouth to meet their new penguin residents, but was mostly disappointed as it was far too busy and we were shepherded through like sheep and Thursday we headed to Frankie and Benny’s to sample their new menu.
Friday morning saw Kian heading off to do some Paddleboarding lessons with our friends at Fore Adventure and then we endured a five and a half hour journey to Colchester in Essex for our friends wedding.
Here is week 32 in pictures:
207. Enjoying the National Space Centre in Leicester
208. Finally riding his bike without stabilisers
209. Sleeping angel
210. Operation car jenga
211. Our set up at Camp Bestival
212. Meeting Dick n Dom
213. Meeting Mr Tumble
214. Our final day at Camp Bestival
215. Distracting the kids with Bing Bunny so I can clear up
216. At Arundel Wetlands and Wild Fowl Trust
217. One of the new residents of Bournemouth Oceanarium
218. Enjoying a meal at Frankie & Benny’s
219. Paddle Boarding with Fore Adventure
220. Staying at Crowne Plaza for a friends wedding
You’ve had an amazing couple of weeks. I’m surprised not only how much you have packed in, but how much you have been able to blog about too.
Looks like you’ve had a fun time away! Love the rainbow shot!
you managed to pack quite a bit into the car. was there anything you forgot? or packed that you didn’t use? last camping trip i forgot the electrical cable so all the cooking stuff wasn’t needed either
We forgot the pillows but thankfully had floor cushions which we used instead. There was nothing we didn’t use apart from some spare clothes
Sounds like a great couple of weeks. It’s good that your leisure centre runs bike classes – I could do with something like that for my youngest!