Revolutionise your shopping experience with Trolley Bags!

Did you know that from 5th October 2015, all large retailers will start charging customers 5p for each single use carrier bag handed out at the checkout under new EU approved rules to clamp down on plastic bags under new environmental laws?

It is something I remember being discussed when I worked in Tesco many years ago and I think is a brilliant idea. Usage of single use carrier bags just keeps growing in the UK and in 2014, supermarkets gave out a staggering 8.5 billion single-use plastic bags — 200 million more than they did in 2013.

These shopping bags are used by customers for only 20 minutes on average — yet they take up to 1,000 years to degrade and just last week, scientists said that 90 per cent of all sea birds have ingested plastic in some form.

I have been using my own bags for shopping for many years, starting with the bag for life system and then moving to fabric bags which are even stronger but this year my shopping packing habits have been revolutionised by Trolley Bags and you can read my full review here.

Trolley Bags
Trolley Bags are four different sized bags, connected together with Velcro along the integrated rails which can be placed open and upright in the shopping trolley, allowing you to pack and sort groceries with 2 hands as they are scanned through the checkout, halving the time it takes at the supermarket till, plus they are perfect to use with the new scan and pack system that some supermarkets are now using.

I have been using these since August and ever time I visit any supermarket I am stopped and asked for a demonstration or where they are from. I really wish I had come up with the idea!

The bags come in two sizes; standard deep shopping trolleys and Trolley Bags Express size for use in shallow shopping trolleys and cost just £16.99. We are a family of 6 and our trolley is always overflowing, yet these bags are plenty big enough and surprisingly light to lift even when packed full.

Trolley Bags – The revolutionary trolley bags system that takes the hassle out of shopping from Laura on Vimeo.

To help one of my lucky readers the chance to beat this new charge on carrier bags, the team at Trolley Bags have offered me a set of Trolley Bags in the size of the winners choice to giveaway.

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99 thoughts on “Revolutionise your shopping experience with Trolley Bags!”

  1. I would have to choose the full size one. With my big bundles of happiness, a express would be too small. What a great idea!!!


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