Sebby’s Swimming Update – The Toddler Lessons

It is has been 9 month since we announced that we were Konfidence swimologists and I am shocked by how far Sebastian has come along with his lessons since then.

We have been swimming with Turtle Tots Dorset since Sebastian was 3 months old, been through the water wobbles a couple of times but are now well and truly out the other side with a confident and happy boy in the water.

This term Sebby as really turned a corner with his swimming and I am shocked at how far he has progressed. Just a few weeks ago he wouldn’t jump in from the side without holding my hand, now he leaps in without a care in the world both with and without swimming aids.

Turtle Tots

It took Sebby just 4 lessons to get the hang of swimming with his Swimfin and now he charges around the pool, giggling as he goes. We are also spending more time swimming with no aids and we add a little bit of extra distance each time and he is getting really confident at that too – possibly a little too confident as he pushes away from the side when I am least expecting it sometimes!

Nothing beats seeing your child swim confidently under water and we have started fetching sinkers now too. We haven’t quite reached the bottom of the pool yet but we have moved from hands to feet and I am sure in the next couple of lessons we will start getting it from the floor.

If you are thinking about swimming lessons for your child I really cannot recommend Turtle Tots highly enough, they have been fabulous and we cannot wait for next term.



15 thoughts on “Sebby’s Swimming Update – The Toddler Lessons”

  1. Ah this sounds brilliant, I’m so glad he’s getting on so well. I think water confidence is so important! We also have the swim fins. My three year old can swim a little way on her own and she can keep going all day with the swim fin on. My 19 month old is fine in the water but doesn’t like me to let go of her so we’re working on that at the moment.xx


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