‘Mummy Makeovers’ – Are They Worth it?

The phrase ‘mummy makeover’ has seemingly popped up overnight. Obviously, childbirth causes a lot of physical changes for women, and these can be difficult to accept. The physical changes can then also have an effect on the new mother’s mental health because they no longer recognise the body that they see in the mirror. A ‘mummy makeover’ refers to a series of cosmetic treatments or procedures which are meant to help women regain their pre-pregnancy looks. The question is, are they worth it? Let’s find out. 

Common Procedures Included

Obviously, the procedures that you want will depend on how pregnancy has affected your looks. That being said, there are a few procedures that tend to be included. First and foremost, a lot of women tend to want a tummy tuck when they are finished having children. This is because pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancies, can result in sagging abdominal skin and the separation of muscles

Breastfeeding usually leads to volume loss in the breasts which is why a breast enhancement is often also included in a mummy makeover. The enhancement can be implants, fat transfers or a breast lift. Liposuction is also a common procedure. Weight gain is almost unavoidable during pregnancy, and sometimes it can be hard to lose, which is why liposuction is a popular choice. 

Lastly, a lot of women also experience skin issues when they are pregnant or following the birth of their children. Acne is actually a pretty common complaint for new mothers. Unfortunately, it can be tricky to get rid of. Some mummy makeovers include facial rejuvenations like facials, fillers, Botox or even acne treatments like Obagi Tretinoin; it is a topical prescription treatment offered by providers like City Skin Clinic. 

The Cost Of A Mummy Makeover Cost

The price of a mummy makeover does largely depend on the procedures that you want to have. If you want to have a number of procedures, then you can expect to pay more. The procedures will also obviously need to be bespoke to your circumstances and what is going to work for your body and give you the results that you want. The clinic that you choose and the surgeon or treatment provider will also affect the price. Some clinics will offer a discount when you book multiple procedures with them. That being said, you can probably expect to pay somewhere in the ballpark of 20K for a mummy makeover. 

The Final Verdict

So, is a mummy makeover worth it? Realistically, there isn’t an answer to this question that can be applied universally. It depends entirely on the individual. A lot of women do really struggle to reconcile what they see in the mirror with the image they have of themselves in their heads. In that respect, a mummy makeover can be the perfect solution. However, it obviously also costs money, and there is a recovery period associated with the procedures, too, which might not be worth it for mothers with young children. It really all comes down to the individual preference of each woman. 

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