Project 365 2023 – Week 9

It has been a long time in the planning, and this week was all about the build up to my sister-in-law’s hen weekend in Cardiff.

Here is our week:

Sunday 26th February

We have had an electric tractor for Lilah to review since just after Christmas, but she has been poorly pretty much the whole of 2023 so far, so have been unable to do it.


We finally got to do it and Lilah insisted on taking her Care Bears for a spin around the garden.

Monday 27th February

We have been trying to encourage Willow to hunt for her food, but she really made us chuckle today as she knew the hopper was in there, but it kept climbing on her so she couldn’t find it.

Tuesday 28th February

There has been lots of military action at Bournemouth Airport over the last few days and a chinook keeps flying so low over our house that it makes the windows shake.

Wednesday 1st March

Lilah was so tired after pre-school that she stayed asleep when we got her out of the car, which is unheard of.

Thursday 2nd March

Our preschool is in the local community grant vote, so I took our school cuddly toy, Pete the Pirate, to Tesco and took some photo’s to try and encourage our parents to vote for the school.

Friday 3rd March

The first day of my sister-in-law’s hen do and I was chosen as the designated driver of the minibus. I was very nervous, having never driven a vehicle so large, but it was fine and we got to Cardiff in one piece.

We stayed in a huge house just off the strip, which reminded me of Hogwarts, with its old fashioned furniture and never ending stairs.

Our first evening’s activity was cocktail making, before heading to a bar called Tonight Josephine, where our party took part in some fun, games and dancing.

Saturday 4th March

Our first event of the day was the Welsh Games. It was bloomin freezing and we all wish we had taken coats, but we soon warmed up.

Despite being one of the oldest ones there I came a very respectable second place. In the evening, we all dressed up as lambs and my sister-in-law as a farmer, as her married name will be Lamb, and headed to Coyote Ugly.

It was so much fun and we danced until we ached, with some of the hen party up on the bar – great fun if you’re ever close to one.

How was your week?

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6 thoughts on “Project 365 2023 – Week 9”

  1. Aww! I am glad Lilah was feeling well enough to try out her new tractor. It looks so cool.
    We usually get the military planes flying over us but come to think of it I haven’t heard any in a while.
    Go you driving the mini bus. The hen do sounds like great fun. x

  2. Lilah looks very happy riding on the little tractor. Love the Care Bears. I’d be nervous at the thought of driving a minibus too – glad it was fine. Love the photo at the top of the stairs. Looks like your sister-in-law’s hen weekend was a lot of fun. Love the lamb costumes! #project365

  3. The tractor seems to be a hit with Lilah. Those stairs are gorgeous, what a lovely place. I love the lamb costumes, so fun. Well done for coming second!


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