Prepare Your Car for Summer – MOT & Car Care Checks

Summer is all but on us, and it’s time for you to prepare your car for summer – long lazy days in the sun, exploring the country from Dorset’s Jurassic Coast to England’s Highlands and everything in between! Here are some quick tips that you should think about before you commit to making lengthy drives out of your usual commuting comfort zone.

Old Harry Rocks


Making sure that your MOT is up-to-date is the first step that you should take. This is because a valid MOT certificate is a legal requirement for any vehicle over three years old on the UK’s busy road network. Driving without a valid MOT certificate is at best going to get you pulled over and fined, and at worst – if an accident occurs, for example – can see you lose your car, be fined up to £2,500, and possibly even facing a prison sentence. It’s important to stay on top of your vehicle’s maintenance to avoid these serious consequences. Given how quick and easy it is to get an MOT, it really is the best option in this situation because regular MOT tests ensure your car meets the necessary safety and environmental standards, providing peace of mind for you and other road users. For experienced drivers, scheduling the annual MOT test is routine, but if you’re newer to driving it can be a bit scary. Specifically in a bustling city like London, where traffic and road conditions can be challenging, ensuring your vehicle is roadworthy is even more crucial, so whichever camp you fall into, you can book your MOT in London at DAT Tyres and drive away safely. The booking process at their website is stress-free.

Service It

Get your car serviced any time you’re going to be travelling further away and for longer periods than your usual commute. Long drives on holiday can sometimes be the last straw for an imminent breakdown, causing failures in parts that have just about been hanging on for the school run. Knowing that your car’s engine has been thoroughly checked also gives you peace of mind as you explore the many beautiful places and coastlines in the nation.

Clean It

Finally, make a point of decluttering your car before any long journey. This simple act can improve your fuel consumption, make your car more responsive, and reduce wear and tear on your vehicle’s moving parts simply be reducing the overall weight of the vehicle. It also has the added advantage of making more room for you and your family to spread out into, making a much more comfortable trip all round.

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