Travelling with a baby opens up all sorts of issues but it doesn’t have to be a painful experience.
I have been really lucky with my kids and they have all been good travellers, some of which is down to luck, but also good planning.
My favourite form of transport has to be the car as it is your own space, you can take all the paraphenalia you want to keep the kids entertained and you can stop for a break if you need to. We always pack toys, games, food and drink to keep the kids calm and settled on long journeys.
Travelling by plane does open up some issues and I remember being incredibly frustrated by the “no liquid” policy which ended up with Sebby’s drink and baby food being opened and tested before we were allowed through the security check, however that is a lesson learned and I always buy baby food to travel with in the terminal.
I am so lucky that Sebastian loves flying. He is so excited before we board and during take-off then the motion of the plane soon sends him to sleep.
However it is not always quite so plain sailing and The Baby Website has joined up with Schofields Insurance to come up with 12 travel hacks to flying with a baby to help parents plan their journey’s.
Travelling by Ferry can be fun but it is best to be prepared for bad weather just in case and Sea Bands were our friend on our trip to France back in February this year.
I have to admit that train travel is my least favourite mode of transport with a baby, mainly as it is so busy and it can be a real struggle to get on and off the train, never mind finding room on the train for the pushchair.
Do you travel with your kids, what is your top tip?