Project 365 2022 – Week 6

Well, it is safe to say it has been a rubbish week.

I caught COVID from Isaac and although my symptoms were not bad, it took me 6 days to shift the headache. It was inevitable it was going to spread to Eliza and Sebastian and both tested positive by the end of the week.

Throughout the pandemic I was most worried about Sebby catching it, as he was in hospital with pneumonia in February 2020 but it has brushed it off with barely a sniffle. Eliza has a headache, but calpol seems to be working for her thankfully.

Here is our week:

Sunday 5th February

Thankfully my husband was day off, so he spent the day ferrying Isaac and Eliza to their surf lifesaving lessons. They have started training for the championships in the summer, so had lots of fun swimming with dummies and boards.

Monday 6th February

Being stuck at home has meant that the house has been scrubbed within an inch of its life and I have managed to clear out the cupboards.

We had some nuts left over from Christmas which had gone a bit stale, so I put them in the garden, to the appreciation of our local squirrel population.

Tuesday 7th February

There was a bit of excitement in our cul-de-sac today with the arrival of two police cars and half a dozen police officers.

The downside of being stuck inside, is that I have no idea what they were there for, however, I did some blog admin and managed to do all the little jobs like broken links that I have been putting off for months!

Wednesday 8th February

With COVID in the house we have been testing daily and it was inevitable that the kids would get it at some point, with Eliza testing positive today, with the faintest of lines. Thankfully, apart from a mild headache she felt fine.

It was also my day 5 test, but sadly I was still positive.

Thursday 9th February

Today was Sebby’s turn to test positive, so the only member of the household who has avoided COVID is my husband.

Apart from a slightly snotty nose, Sebby has no symptoms and because he was stuck inside all day, was bouncing off the walls. I made the mistake of letting him watch youtube for a bit of peace and quiet, but my ears were bleeding by the end of it – I really don’t get the appeal of watching other people playing games.

Friday 10th February

As well as Eliza and Sebby home from school, I also had Isaac who had an upset stomach.

As the kids weren’t feeling ill, I set them up to do the home learning they had been allocated by school and once they had finished, we set up the Paper FX Dream Weaver, that Eliza had been sent to review.


Saturday 11th February

Eliza is struggling with a headache, but thankfully Sebby is symptom free.

Sebby has been sent some SuperThings to review, so at least I have something to keep him occupied and Isaac is headed to the cinema with his friends to see Uncharted.

How was your week?

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8 thoughts on “Project 365 2022 – Week 6”

  1. Boo to Covid. Hopefully Eliza’s headache goes. Took 7 days for N’s to ease, and now negative today, so assuming tomorrow is negative he’ll be back at school on Monday. Phew, I could do with a break from room service!

  2. Love and hugs to all, sorry everyone is coming down with it, hope the symptoms stay mild for the Eliza and that Sebby remains symptom free. Did you find out what when on with the police?


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