I really feel like there are not enough hours in the day at the moment. The kids have rehearsals for various performances, which I am looking forward to seeing, but I am just “Mum’s Taxi” at the moment or working.
We have managed a couple of festive days out though.
Here is our week:
Sunday 19th November
We were very lucky to be invited out to do a festive cruise on Poole Harbour, although we managed to pick a particularly windy day.

Not that we minded, its much more fun when its choppy and the kids enjoyed fighting the wind and getting splashed by the waves.

Isaac and Eliza also pointed out points on Brownsea Island where they had been working and even identified some sea birds as we sailed along.
Monday 20th November
Part of my role in Tesco is celebrating colleagues success and today was one of those days.

Hopefully we will have a few more of these on the run up to Christmas.
Tuesday 21st November
I worked today as I swapped my shift so I could help run our school Christmas Fair on Friday. There has only been two of us organising this year, so a bit nervous of the outcome.
Lilah is currently obsessed by the Grinch and insisted that Eliza and Sebby sit down and watch it with her after school.

Wednesday 22nd December
A Mum’s Taxi day as Isaac was off to see Woman in Black at the Lighthouse with school. The show didn’t finish until gone 10pm, so it was a late night for us all.

Thursday 23rd November
Another day off with my husband, so we treated ourselves to breakfast at the Barn Cafe, which is set in an old barn and is beautifully decorated.

In the evening we were invited along to the opening of Glow Marwell, a light trail at Marwell Zoo for Christmas.

It was good last year, but this year was even better, with more interactive elements and shows to keep everyone entertained.

Friday 24th November
Festive Friday Day and a blank canvas hall to decorate.

I must admit it came together a lot quicker and we expected and we could have opened our doors earlier, thanks to all our kids, their friends and their parents who came along to help.

The event was a great success, a couple of takeaways for next year, but we raised £1700 for the school.

Saturday 25th November
One of the takeaways for next year’s event is not to work the next day, as my feet were killing me!
We were lucky enough to also do a festive lights cruise for the switch on of Poole’s Maritime Christmas lights. It was freezing, but beautiful!

Sunday 26th November
We are really struggling with mould in the boys room, so I had a day cleaning their walls.

We have had the roof cleaned, done the gutters, had new fascia’s and windows and treated the walls with special paint and it still keeps coming back. the next check is to investigate and see if its the cavity wall insulation causing it.
Monday 27th November
I had booked the day off to cover a shift at nursery, but wasn’t needed, so had a Christmas shopping trip with Mum to Castlepoint, where I treated us to a festive coffee.

I haven’t finished shopping, but mostly just small stuff left to get now.
Tuesday 28th November
For Mother’s Day, back in March, my husband bought us tickets to see Cian Ducrot in Southampton. What I didn’t realise is that they were standing tickets and my feet were killing me by the end of the show, but he was absolutely amazing.

The other thing that struck me was that the whole show was watched by a sea of phones, all raised to get imaged and videos, which spoilt it a little for me.
Wednesday 29th November
I came home from preschool early as wasn’t feeling well. Not sure if I have been doing too much, or had picked up a bug.

Thankfully was feeling much better by the time it was time to pick Lilah up, although she wasn’t much company and promptly fell asleep.
Thursday 30th November
It’s snowing!!!!!

We rarely get snow in Bournemouth, but it snowed all morning before turning to sleet and rain. Sadly it didn’t settle, but it was nice to see the white stuff.
Friday 1st December
‘A busy day at work as its the start of our Food Collection weekend and then it was Mum’s taxi time as the kids had the second of their performances on the run up to Christmas.

We had a nightmare trying to find our elves as Sebby had been very disappointed they hadn’t arrived that morning. Thankfully one of Isaac’s friend’s Mum came to my rescue and Marshmallow and Muffin arrived fashionably late.

Saturday 2nd December
Eliza goes to Dorset Drama Academy on a Saturday morning and today was their Christmas Showcase.

She did brilliantly, performing in two acts. The World Will Know from Newsies: playing Davey and Every Pantomime there ever was under 15 minutes switching between roles.
How was your week?
Looks like you’ve all been busy. Well done on the school fair fundraising, and Eliza’s performances. We didn’t have snow, just very cold and frosty, then rain today. I’m glad we missed the snow though.
Oh wow! That does look like a windy day on the cruise. It sounds like fun though.
Well done on organising the school Christmas fair, it sounds like it was a huge success.
The Barn cafe looks beautiful!
I hope you get a break from being a taxi. x
Lol, I can definitely relate to being ‘Mum’s Taxi’! Glad you managed to have a couple of festive days out and enjoyed the cruise around Poole Harbour even if it was a bit choppy. The light trail at Marwell looked good. Glad the Christmas Fair went well and you raised a good amount for the school. Hope you manage to get to the bottom of what is causing the mould in the boys’ rooms. Glad the elves arrived even if they were a little late getting to you! Well done to Eliza on her Christmas showcase performance. #project365
That day looked to be particularly windy. The Barn Cafe looks beautiful.
It must be such a nightmare with the mould. I hope you will find the cause soon.
Fab sunset pic on the boat, slightly less thrilled by the mould! it is certainly very busy at this time of year! #project365